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Six Tips to Hiring the Best Employees

hiring the best employeesSmall businesses often begin with just a few family members or even as a solo venture.  Hiring strangers to take on integral roles and represent your business can be scary – but the economy is on the upswing and a recent survey even tells us that more than seven-in-ten businesses plan to grow their business over the next six months. So many businesses are finding themselves in the position of needing more employees.  As you contemplate how to hire a web designer or prepare to bring on an SEO specialist, consider these tips:

Clearly Explain the Position

No matter where you post your job listing, remember that people search for jobs based on keywords and industries.  Hiring managers should keep that in the front of their minds as they write up a description – it should be clear and concise, but broad.  Write out the daily tasks, the role as it fits into the company goals and include key information about salary and necessary skills the candidate must possess.  Potential applicants will appreciate seeing that this position is a valuable part of your company. 

Encourage Input

It’s not always best to have an employee who simply takes orders.  You want to have employees who come to you, excited and full of new ideas – they can make a big impact on the success of your company.  Look to hire a person who is innovative and goes above and beyond the roles of his or her job requirements.  During an interview, ask key questions that allow the candidate to shine and see which individuals are not scared to share ideas.

Offer Flexibility

There isn’t a person out there who wants to be strapped to their desk from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Flexibility is a selling point to candidates; employees like the option to work from remote locations.  As long as your team proves that they can meet goals and collaborate as needed, why not offer flexible schedules?  Remote work will do wonderful things for employee satisfaction and likely improve retention of your team. Plus, workplace flexibility makes economic sense.

Make Your Company Values Clear

As you hire, do so in accordance to your company’s mission and core values.  You can teach people skills, but can’t change their attitude and personality.  Even if you have a candidate with years of experience, if he or she doesn’t fit well with the culture, they may not be the best person for the job.  Look for integrity – people with this quality make great teammates.

Don’t Settle and Hire Just Anyone

Even if you have interviewed countless people, don’t settle for someone who is less than ideal just to fill the position.  From entry to executive level, it’s important to hire A+ candidates.  The right employees will know how to build relationships with your customers – one of many ways to offer your customers more value.

As you expand your team, only bring on people with the right skill-set and make sure new hires have identified what makes them happy professionally and what their long-term career goals are.  Oh, and never underestimate the importance of liking someone.  If you wouldn’t want to take them to lunch and feel excited about holding a conversation with them, then pass on the candidate.

Do a Background Check

While it may be against your small business style and the thought of asking for a candidate’s permission to run a background check makes you uneasy, do it anyway.  Doing so can save you a lot of trouble.  The right candidate will understand and have nothing to hide. 

Your employees are your biggest assets, so take the time to find the perfect candidate before hiring.  While the process may seem daunting, with some patience and persistence, you can find team members who will add great success to your business in no time.

What are your best tips for recruiting employees? 

About the Author

Megan Totka is the Chief Editor for She specializes on the topic of small business tips and resources. helps small businesses grow their business on the web and facilitates connectivity between local businesses and more than 7,000 Chambers of Commerce worldwide.

Photo via Flickr

Topics: Hiring Recruiting HR