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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Turn Someone Into a Super-Hero


You have powers you have not yet fully realized. Within your grasp are talented people, tools and opportunities to make an impact in a bigger way. As you watch this video, consider what a talented team of artists & entrepreneurs can do to help you go bigger:



Every week you meet someone and think: "They are amazing! I wish there was something special I could do to let them know how much they are appreciated!"

As you see in the video, you can have a comic book story made and highlight that person as a superhero and have a superhero poster made.

They are selling the comic book and poster as something specifically for kids, but it has probably already occurred to you how this can be a perfect way to recognize and appreciate the contribution someone makes above and beyond expectations.

In the past, you offered plaques and trophies to those who went above and beyond. Now you can show your appreciation with a poster and/or comic book and shine the light on their awesomeness in a very unique way.

People who receive a Puget Sound Business Journal "Top 40 Under 40" Award could certainly qualify as super heroes. You can add to the recognition by saying "thank you" in a unique way.  Here is this years top 40 under 40 list:


Such a product and service has a cost and you may hesitate and think it is too high a price. Fortunately for you, those super heroes make a commitment to change the community regardless. They remain inspired to make an impact. 

I am smiling a bit as I think of those who are a bit more opportunistic and looking for new ways to get a foot in the door.

Terri Dunevant has showed thousands how to sell more and will tell you a story about how even a hammer from a dollar store can matter. I hope you will use this new super hero resource for the power of good.

The super hero you meet will most likely look like other humans. They will not draw attention to themselves and may be difficult to recognize. They are "Clark Kent" but if you watch closely, you will recognize who they are. When you do, how will you make their day? 


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