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List of 54 Websites for Free Press Release Distribution Service

free press release distribution serviceTake advantage of the opportunity with this list of free press release websites and distribution services at least once a month on the internet.  Some might view a press release as "marketing" while others view it as "education" or "information".  Regardless, if you do something worth shouting about in your business, then do so!  Press releases keep the world informed and possibly...improve the chances of getting found.

Is there a benefit to paying for a press release vs. using the free services?  Depends on your pocket book and the topic, your competition, the time of year, your reputation, and the list goes on.  Opinions are on both sides of the fence.  In the end, a press release is only one of dozens of activitities you will include on your marketing calendar.

Should you do a bulk press release to all with a paid distribution service?  Your strategy must represent your business and vision.  Question:  What is the point in doing so? If you had a specific press release for each venue with a specific landing page for each, wouldn't you have better opportunity to test for results?

Before you begin to use the list of free press release websites, think twice before using a website labeled 'free press release'. The message you send may be quite the opposite of what you intend. 

The list below has shrunk a bit over the years as many have gone out of business or been acquired by another. Here is a list of free press release websites in alphabetical order.

  1. Free     1888 
  2. Starts Free     24-7
  3. Free     Betanews
  4. $$$      Business Wire
  5. Free
  6.  $$       ClickPress
  7.  $$
  8. Free     EboomWebSolutions
  9. $$$
  10.  $$       Express-Press-Release
  11. Free    Free PR News  (UK)
  12.  $$ (HARO)
  13.  $$      iCrowdNewswire
  14.  $$
  15.  $        IssueWire
  16.  $$      Loop PR
  17. $$$     Marketwire
  18. Free    Market Press Release
  19. Free    Nanotechnology Now
  20. Free    Newswire Today 
  21. $$       Online PR Media
  22. Free    OnlyWire
  23. Free    OpenPR
  24.  $$      PR
  25. Free    PR9
  26. Free    PR-Inside
  27.  $$      PRBuzz
  28. Free
  29. Free    PressExposure
  30. $$       PRFire
  31. Free    PRMac
  32. Free    Press Releases Online (UK)
  33.  $$      Press Release Spider
  34.  $$      PR Leap 
  35. Free    PR Log
  36. $$$     PR Newswire
  37. Free    PR Urgent
  38. Free    PR Zoom
  39. Free    Radio - TV Interview Report (RTIR)
  40. $         The Open Press
  41. Free    ThomasNet News
  42. Free    ToStories
  43. Free    UGA Media (Europe)
  44. Free    UKPRWire
  45.  $$     Webwire

"Free" may change over time, but at the very least, this list gets you started.

Do press releases make a difference?

As it talks about in WebProNews in a study from Arketi Group, also back in the summer, journalists were found to use the web in the following ways:

- 95% search
- 92% reading news
- 92% emailing
- 89% finding story ideas
- 87% finding news sources
- 75% reading blogs
- 64% watching webinars
- 61% watching YouTube
- 59% social networks

Press release terms have you boggled?  Need more help? 

Here are a few sites beyond the obvious to help you learn more (or services to hire).  In no way am I advocating hiring someone to do press releases for you, but the rule remains for an entrepreneur:  Learn to do it or hire someone to do it for you.

Press Release Format, Instructions & Easy To Use Template - This resource will be very helpful as it walks through the requirements step by step.

BusinessWire Press Release Webinars and downloads

PitchEngine - PitchEngine is a social platform that enables PR to effectively package stories and share them with journalists, bloggers, and influencers worldwide via the social web.

Press Release Writing - Press release reference

Newslink - Database newspapers, press release reference

Send2Press - Press release reference & Hire

Hire a press release writer - Press release writing reference & Hire

Press Release Templates & Samples

Time to get your calendar out.  Will you hire a copywriter / service to write a press release for your event / business / book? 

Will you instead review the basics and look at the templates and give it a shot?  The internet is loaded with press releases and yours will quickly get lost in the shuffle.  What will your headline be? 

What unbelievable thing are you proud of that you want to share with the world?


updated 5-9-2023

Topics: Press Release Marketing Inbound Marketing Buzz Marketing