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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

I Like Randy | Starting a Business

Randy writes on

The articles he writes are not out to solve every problem, they are meant to offer a tip, a tool or make a point.

A good lesson for the rest of us.  Make a point and don't take all day doing it.  Below are examples from Randy to give you a snack:

From Randy Duermyer, your Guide to Home Business

As the wonder and cooler temperatures of autumn arrive, it's time to get back to basics - and back to school if need be. If you've always wanted to work at home in your own business, be your own boss and get it done, I hope this issue inspires you to finally get started. Best to all for a fabulous fall, my favorite time of year! Randy D.  Like My Facebook Page | Follow My Tweets

Starting a Home Business

Starting a business is an everyday dream that not many are fortunate enough to realize in their lifetime. Starting a home business allows you to stay at home and earn a living. Here's what you need to consider to get started... Read more

Choosing a Business to Start

I'm often asked the question, "What home based business should I start?" Often without knowing anything about the person asking the question. Many readers know they want to start a business that's home based, they just don't know what they should do and are looking for advice... Read more

10 Steps to Start a Business at Home

Ready...set...go. Here are 10 steps to become your own boss and start working at home... Read more

8 Steps to a Business Identity

Wouldn't it be nice if there was some step-by-step road map to get you through the maze of getting your business off the ground? There is...Read more

Topics: Business Planning