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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

The Top 100 Blogs According to Technorati

The top 100 blogs list has been announced by Technorati.  Technorati is the leading blog search engine and directory; indexes more than a million blogs.

This site has become the definitive source for the top stories, opinions, photos and videos emerging across news, entertainment, technology, lifestyle, sports, politics and business. tracks not only the authority and influence of blogs, but also offers the most comprehensive and current index of who and what is most popular in the Blogosphere.

technorati top 100 blogs
You can read the top 100 blogs on Technorati.  Instead, let the entrepreneurs review what types of blogs are in the top 100. 

This may be more significant.

#1  News

#2  Gagets

#3  Startups, Internet, Technology

#4  Social and Digital Media, Technology, Web Culture

#5  Celebrity Gossip

#6  Cultural Curiousities and Technology

#7  News

#8  Political News

#9  News

#10  Entertainment News

#11  Google (Internet)

#11  News

#11  News and Satire

#14  Web Technology

#15  Political News

#16  Technology, Mobile and Gadgets

#17  Entertainment News and Gossip

#18  Apple (Technology)

#19  Political News

#20  Political News

#21  Search Engine Marketing

#22  Apple Macs (Technology)

#23  Video Game Industry

#24  Arts and Entertainment

#25  Web Technology

This list of the first 25 shows a pattern.  News, politics, technology and entertainment are where people hang out.  Two brand name technologies showed up in the top 25 blogs:  Google and Apple.

If a business blog is about history, math, psychology or health, there is little chance of competing.

If your business has only 1 to 3 people on staff, there will be less chance of making the top 25 blogs or even the top 100.  If you notice the top blogs, they have teams of people with writers, editors and marketing departments.

What is fascinating is the number of blogs which started in 2005 or later.  One of the top 25 blogs is only two years old and has millions of unique visitors each month.

Each blog has its own look and feel but many have nothing more than a limited sidebar and a header which expresses its identity.  The use of plain white with no fancy gimmickry as the background proves that valuable content is what readers want most.

Since these blogs are mostly about the latest and greatest news, is it time for a business to consider including more blog content?  Politics can backfire and celebrity gossip is probably not helpful.  There is a yearning for technology, Google and Apple.

Whether an entrepreneur has a business offline or online, what people show interest in says plenty for how to frame a message and where to send it.

Watching trends and patterns will show which way the wind is blowing.  Once you know, what's next?

Topics: Business Blogging Inbound Marketing