Where Are You?
You are;
...working very hard to make money with an online business and swinging the proverbial bat but missing the ball continuously. You try wearing your hat on backwards, a different bat, different shoes, read another book, and the list goes on. You are trying to follow the mantra: "if at first you don't succeed, try... try again".
You are;
...looking for a job and not interested in an online business but are peeking here to consider options for income.
You are;
...sick, sick, sick... and tired of reading emails, blogs, online eBooks, articles and find that none of them have the answer... and yet each of them seem to know a piece of the puzzle. You have heard an Internet marketer once say: "email them until they buy or they die" and the actions of many seem to confirm this.
You are:
...just starting. Fresh, new... positive attitude with an open mind to the possibilities.
There are many more questions to consider in determining who you are and they are very important.