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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Michael Hartzell

Recent Posts by Michael Hartzell:

PR Agencies vs Marketing Agencies

Many business owners are unaware of the difference between PR agencies and Marketing agencies. There are a number of similarities between the two, and they are usually at their best when combined as part of a wider overall strategy. Many people think it’s a case of choosing one or the other, but this couldn’t be further from the truth, they both have their benefits and can be used individually or as a pair. One of the reasons why the two are often mixed up is because PR is so misunderstood.

Topics: Marketing PR

Consideration, Respect and the Devil

Don't talk to sales people, they are the devil.  If you act like a sales person, people will think you are the devil.  Labeling people is detrimental to good relationships.  It is a bit like saying "all blondes are dumb" or "all accountants are boring".  If you label people, you are the devil.

Sales people can seem like the devil.  So can entrepreneurs who are too focused, marketing strategists who don't connect well, working mothers who are over their head or someone who is having chronic health issues.

Topics: Sales Deep Thoughts Leadership Communication

What to Offer on a Website for Amazing Results

What will it take to get a yes?  Not just a nod of the head, but action in the form of an introduction.

What it takes has been referred to as an ethical bribe, bait, an offer, a bargain, something free and by many other names.  I like to think of it as something valuable that will have high impact and make their day.  You can do it online, in a radio spot, by phone or on the TV.  The reason the Internet is a great option is because of the cost and convenience.

If you have any to all of the offers on the list below, you increase your chances of getting an introduction.

Topics: Inbound Marketing Conversion Landing Pages

The Best Free Press Release Sites to Spread Your Message

In a previous article, I have shared over 50 different free press release sites.  Instead of a large list, you need a more specific solution.  While it is difficult to point to any one free press release site as a clear winner, websites such as has been raved about even though it only has a PageRank of 3., is another free press release site that stands out.  You can find it on the list below which shows the best opportunities.

Included on the "best list" is  You appreciate this resource because it allows links, tagging and branding for free.  

Topics: Press Release Guerrilla Marketing Inbound Marketing

Measure Sunshine

Sunshine can't be bought but you will see sunshine sold every month of the year.  Sunshine can't be touched but can be felt as a warm glow or a burning heat.  The lack of sunshine is instantly recognized and potentially perceived as a burden.

Topics: Business Surveys Paradigm Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

5 Essentials to Business Success

To execute your business success plan more effectively, here are (5) five essentials to ensure a long term healthy and prosperous business and answer the question:  "How Can You Improve Business in the Next 12 Months?"

Topics: Business Success Leadership Business Planning Business Success Tips

Pink Bat - Turning Problems into Solutions for Business Success

The Pink Bat Movie by Michael McMillan is a whiteboard video.  

Michael McMillan is not selling a book, he is promoting an idea.  He teaches concepts found within the book and will leave you wanting more.  Instead of a pitch about the book, he spends the time on the topic at hand:  "Do you see problems or do you see solutions?" 

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Recommended Books Leadership

You Have 5 Brains According to "Conversational Intelligence" by Judith E. Glaser

Creating new success is not based on working harder, longer and focusing on what we know. Our current skill and knowledge may in fact become a barrier to success.  

"We are limited more by what we know than what we don't know."
- Judith E. Glaser

You have learned from Marilyn Schoeman about how to change the way others connect with you by using words and a mindset that are "Greenlight". By now, her book has changed your life.

As you evolve as a leader, you may want to improve your understanding about how the brain works.  To do so, you will turn to Judith E. Glaser who has written the book "Conversational Intelligence - How Great Leaders BUILD TRUST and Get Extraordinary Results".  

She will tell you that in fact, you have 5 brains, each with their own function.  

Topics: Recommended Books Leadership

A Five Star Lunch as Your Secret to Success

A “Five Star Lunch” is one method to gain an advantage with growing a successful business without deep pockets.  A “Five Start Lunch” is an opportunity to have top advisors sit at your table who will provide you with answers to questions you have not yet thought to ask.  A “Five Start Lunch” provides the resources by which any entrepreneur who desires success can be inspired, motivated and educated.

Topics: Trusted Advisor Business Success Tips Referral Marketing

12 Websites for Royalty Free Stock Photos for Business Advertising

One of the most common questions I get is:  "Where can I get free photos or royalty free stock photos for business advertising, marketing, etc.?" 

The answer is not so obvious since each business has its own unique need.  What is the quality and/uniqueness of the photograph needed? 

Is free your best option or would you pay $30 for an amazing one-of-a-kind photograph? 

With this balance in mind and to help entrepreneurs save time, here is my list of royalty free stock photos for business advertising websites. 

This list has grown far beyond 12 as many have introduced themselves to share their awesome photos and resources, many of which are free!

It includes free, low cost and even premium options.  

Here is the list:

(Watch for "Free Photos")

Topics: Free Photos Photos for Business Free Graphics

Confidentiality Agreements - Keep it Top Secret with an NDA

A hand-shake agreement where both parties agree to keep things between them is replaced with a confidentiality agreement.  Such a document could be vital to protect your company (or person).   When egos. drugs & alcohol, dissappointments and greed are involved... human nature takes over.  "What the mind knows, the mouth wants to disclose."  Another more serious risk is related to unethical opportunists who work inside a company.

Topics: Business Forms Human Resources Legal

Email Bankruptcy

If two days of email review, erase or respond are missed, the inbox is overflowing.  In the days of old when there was a real "inbox" sitting on a desk at your business, the visual impact of overflowing paperwork had impact on your psych.  With the virtual inbox hidden behind the bytes and ram, the stack is not quite as dramatic.

It is getting worse.  I have added to the problem by providing the Best Email Marketing Services List for Business on the Planet.  While the list is profoundly helpful, it does give more opportunity to fill your email inbox (and mine).

It may be time for email bankruptcy.  (For those times when a computer crashes or is replaced, illness, vacation, etc.)

Topics: Time Management Productivity Email Marketing