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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Michael Hartzell

Recent Posts by Michael Hartzell:

Business Startup Failure Rates [infographic]

Reviewing the infographic about business startup failure rates, it appears that a mobile game business may be the best opportunity.  If you do create a mobile game, do me a favor?  Please create a game which has some educational value that will help people gain skill and knowledge.

Topics: Start a Business Business Success Failure

Socializing is Better Than Networking

Networking is not as important to success as you may think.  Socializing is much more beneficial than networking.  The importance of people contact, friends and collaborators to an entrepreneur or small business owner may be more important than for big business.  The real you may not be very attractive but the real players in any room look deeper than you realize.

Topics: Networking Personal Branding Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Relationships Communication

5 Things You Need to Know About Starting a Business

An entrepreneur’s life is a windy, twisted road.  Starting a business is exciting but for the less experienced entrepreneur, there can be traps and pitfalls.  Here are five business success tips to keep your focused and give you hope.

Topics: Start a Business Startup Business Success Tips Buying a Business

Throw Away the Old Spreadsheet, Try

What may be better than a spreadsheet is  You often ask why it's difficult to use a spreadsheet on your iPad or PC Tablet.  (Think Smartsheet)  You don't want to be limited to data and software on your one computer.  (Use Smartsheet online)  To share your valuable spreadsheet online with others and control access, add Smartsheet to your toolbox.

Topics: Business Software Technology

Easy Ideas to Write Exactly What People Want to Read


The question about "what should I say?" remains a puzzle for many. Creating an important message makes even the most experienced professionals think in circles. 

Topics: Business Blogging Marketing Inbound Marketing Content Marketing Creativity Writing

Steve Jobs: I'd Rather Quit than Let Something Slide

How do you make decisions?  Is success based on core values or a moving standard based on sales, problems and barriers?  Steve Jobs shared his his thoughts about what matters:

Topics: Steve Jobs Business Success

How to Have Success - Will Smith

 "This is what I believe and I am willing to die for it." 
- Will Smith

What is success and how do you achieve it?  Is it easy or complex? 

"If you are not making someone else's life better, then you are wasting your time." - Will Smith

If success is just beyond your reach and it seems to elude you, you will want to watch the whole video while considering your own personal skills and talents:

Topics: Business Success Quotes

Three Powerful Words

Three powerful words to use when marketing, getting someone's attention, and when hoping to make an impression.

"Did you know...?"  Three simple words.  You anticipate:  "No!  I did not know that! Thank you!" 

If you hear the dreaded response:  "Yes, I knew that," you may feel defeated but if you did your homework, you will have more to add. 

If you are able to use these powerful "Did you know...?" words and they unveil a truth or fact that is both relevant and previously unknown; you educate, inspire and potentially make people's day.

Topics: Statistics Marketing

The Shift is Happening Now - Gary Vaynerchuk video


If you are not yet inspired to change, evolve, adapt or think differently, then you may never be.  The world has already shifted and you are living in the middle of enormous change. (Though most change is unseen)  In the future you will look back and realize when it happened and how you missed it. 

... Or you can watch the video and listen to Gary Vaynerchuk share how and why to think differently about the world.  This relates to both business and personal and you will want to watch it until the end.

Topics: Social Media Marketing Business Planning

How to Maximize with Visual Content Marketing

It's obvious that visuals are a necessary part of a success formula for marketing online.  With so many options to "add an image" or "post a video", images stand out dramatically vs. bad graphics (or no graphics).  

Topics: Online Marketing Video Marketing Graphics

The True Power of the Gift [infographic]

The power of the gift has been a method to start conversations, get a date, resolve an argument, create addictions, get a promotion or a raise, give marketing campaigns a special punch and make people's day for longer than the Mayan calendar.

Science shows how a gift increases the endorphins and serotonin.  The prefrontal cortex of the brain is especially sensitive to pleasure and positive thinking.  The power of both giving and receiving a gift offers new brain activity revolved around happiness.

If you have an alligator brain, you too may be influenced by a gift.  Know that the alligator brains of the world appreciate a gift since they too have endorphins, serotonin and a prefrontal cortex.

Topics: Coupon Marketing Marketing Strategy Gift Cards

The Best Video Ever For Improving Productivity

This video will show you how to improve your productivity.  In fact, it does such a good job with explaining how to improve productivity that you will be celebrating in a big way.  Since you are the boss of you and have the ability to make your own judgment about what is most important, you (with an entrepreneurial mind) is looking always for the next big thing. 

After you watch the video and follow the principles, the next big question you will have:  "What would I do with extra time each day?" 

Topics: Time Management Productivity Personal Development