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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Michael Hartzell

Recent Posts by Michael Hartzell:

Workforce Planning Study Shows the Greatest Concern in Business

The greatest concern of business owners and exectives is shared in the infographic below.  A majority are concerend about recruiting and hiring the right people.  Many will avoid or delay recruiting to avoid hiring the wrong person.  Which has more serious consequences?  Slowing down the hiring process is less risky since there is a possiblity that the "wrong person" might be hired.

What is the reason for not adding more staff?  Uncertainty of the economy stands out as the number one reason.  The infographic paints the picture.  Read between the lines.

Topics: Business Success Human Resources Landing Pages

List of 64 Press Release Topic Ideas to Overcome Brain Fog

Press releases should be a part of any marketing plan.  Press release services come in many shapes and sizes from free to big money for distribution.  Before considering distributing a press release, it has to be written.  Stay aware of daily activities, plans and accomplishments... what are likely to be newsworthy.

Topics: Press Release Guerrilla Marketing

How to Make a Pitch Presentation for a Get-Rich-Quick Program

When considering which method you use to make an impression on potential customers, you will remember that the basic psychology of humans has not changed.  What will astound or impress the average person is bigger and brighter and the bar is raised every year.  After watching the Mars landing live via the Internet, it is more difficult to impress. 

Making a sales presentation or pitch that will pursuade someone to buy is a simple formula and you have heard it so often, you may have it memorized.

It might go somthing like this:

Topics: Sales Marketing Plan Communication

8 Secrets to Successful Online Events


Online events via webinars, virtual meetings, podcasts and online meetings are growing.  Easy to attend, no road time and the ability to "watch it later" is very attractive to both the participant and the event provider.

Here is Marketo's Senior Director of Marketing, Maria Pergolino, draws on her experience with online events to share how to make yours a success.

Topics: Online Marketing Event Marketing Webinars

Doing something when there are no guarantees - by Brene Brown

To believe that you will succeed as an entrepreneur, you will most likely feel like you are worthy of success you will have the courage to be imperfect.  Understanding courage, compassion, authenticity are aspects which must be understood by a good leader and Brene Brown has a video to expand on these thoughts.

Brene Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity.

Topics: Paradigm Deep Thoughts Leadership

Dharmesh Shah's Confession

Inbound marketing software guru geek genius makes a confession and shares how and why he was an idiot.  I feel a kinship with Dharmesh Shah since I do idiotic things each week.  To be as brave as Dharmesh Shah and share my idiotic behaviors with the world is yet to come.

If you do not yet know Dharmesh Shah then you are missing out and this would be a perfect time to click and read from Dharmesh as he shares deep insights about startups, philospophy, and leadership via OnStartups.  Dharmesh will make you SMink = Smile and Think at the same time.

Topics: Paradigm Recommended Books

The Most Effective Traffic Sources for Website Conversion

In this week's chart from Marketing Sherpa, they compare survey responses for top sources of traffic, and conversion of website visitors.

Topics: Analytics Marketing Research Conversion

Shawn Achor: The Secret to Changing Business Outcomes [video]

Shawn Achor shares his views on how to change educational and business outcomes.  We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards?  In this fast-moving and entertaining TEDtalk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that actually happiness inspires productivity. 

Topics: Business Success

Rules for Teachers from 1872

Random thoughts from minds of leaders:  Business and life is confusing. No matter how many rules I make, no one seems to follow them.  Can't everyone see how smart I am?  Why is it that it takes for long for them to "get it"?  The options seem limited between "Your fired!" or do it myself.

Stop for a moment and look back to 1872.  The rules that teachers had to follow in 1872 will make you re-think your own circumstances.  Who would make such rules and surely no one was following them.

Topics: Paradigm History Leadership

Get Referrals by Following the Law of Contribution

As to the challenge of the referral theory, I tend to listen to my own drummer. There are so many resources about marketing “advice” and I often wonder if it isn't best to keep thoughts under my hat.  Everyone has a theory and certainly there are books and workshops which can challenge paradigms. 

For 30 years my thought about referrals has been:  “Don’t worry about it”

Referrals are a symptom.  I believe if you are committed, have amazing service, and over the top with your delivery... you get referrals.  

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Inspiration Referral Marketing

The Easy Linkedin Marketing "Cheat" Tactic for Email Marketing

Linkedin is not just a marketing tool used for jobs, creating authority, making connections, collaboration and recruiting.  Linkedin is also a way to create an "Oprah Effect".  In other words, you can offer value each day which over time makes people comfortable with you.  Your consistency in offering value each day determines your reputation.  Are you pushy?  Or you a con?  Is it all about you or do you have a mission of offering value?

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Social Media Marketing Linkedin

The Difference Between Vendors and Consultants [video]

This video walks through the basic thought process of a vendor vs. a consultant.  As you watch the video it will be important to remember that who you see yourself to be in the mirror matters little. The most important aspect is what the customer needs.  If you are hoping to market yourself as a consultant and not just a "vendor", your challenge is to build credibility, authority and be ready to share success stories.

Topics: Consultant Support Definition