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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Michael Hartzell

Recent Posts by Michael Hartzell:

The Best Email Marketing Services List for Business on the Planet

That is a pretty brave claim to say this is the best email marketing services list on the planet!  If you think not, please point out another.  Included here are free email marketing service options along with options for large volume companies.  I threw in a few fun email tools to keep it interesting.  Never again say, "What are the options to send customers email?"  Or, "What email management systems are out there?"  At last count, there was 138. At least 10 are free.

Topics: Online Marketing Internet Marketing Inbound Marketing Email Marketing

How to Critique a Business & Grow Profits with Maria Marsala

Maria Marsala is the founder of Elevating Your Business, a business management company that focuses on helping independent financial and service industry professionals.  When you want to know more, dig deeper, and solve problems; you want to talk to someone who has not only a history but also walks the talk in the here and now.

Maria Marsala created a step-by-step program called "Corporate Secrets Marketing"TM.  Her concepts have been quoted regularly in prestigious media outlets including "Money" magazine, Jim Cramer's "The Street," and others.

Maria is a good person to reach out to.  So here we ask Maria how one can critique a business, improve profits, and keep confidence high during good times or bad.

Question:   What can a business owner do today to grow business faster?

Maria Marsala:   I'd love to have just one answer, but of course I don't. The "what" is different for each person who hires me because they are running their business differently than someone else.  What I can tell you is that when you are not winning in the way you would like to be, there are tried and true methods which can help.  You're not going to like the answer, so I'll hold off on telling you for a little bit longer.

Topics: Business Planning Planning Business Success Tips

List of 54 Websites for Free Press Release Distribution Service

Take advantage of the opportunity with this list of free press release websites and distribution services at least once a month on the internet.  Some might view a press release as "marketing" while others view it as "education" or "information".  Regardless, if you do something worth shouting about in your business, then do so!  Press releases keep the world informed and possibly...improve the chances of getting found.

Topics: Press Release Marketing Inbound Marketing Buzz Marketing

Stop Making Rules, Leadership Needs More 'P' Words.


Are leaders born, bred, trained or created?  Here are leadership quotes to ponder. Some are mine .... others I picked up from those who are much wiser than I.

The letter "P" should be the first letter of the alphabet. Here are (phun) Proclamations phor People to Ponder. 

  • Use the "P" Triad for each decision: People, Purpose, Profit. - Michael Hartzell
Topics: Funny Leadership Inspiration Quotes

Business Success Tips: 8 Ways to Grow Your Business Online

Who do I listen to
for business success tips? I listen to those who "do-it", who have "heart & soul" and those who overcome the obstacles.  I listen to those who not only look and sound like experts but have a track record.

Topics: Internet Marketing Planning Business Success Tips

30 Software Tools for Creating, Producing, Promoting & FUN

As an entrepreneur (& addicted marketing guy) I have little desire to be a "programmer" or "coder".  Instead I keep an arsenal to help me keep business faster, easier, simpler (& funner).  I will not always search out the "best" for the same reason I do not drive a Jaguar or live in a mansion.

Functionality, ease of use, and quick learning curve are all a consideration.  AND I love free.  I started using many of the tools on the list below for free, and have since upgraded (i.e., 'the Brain').

I share these with you because I wish someone had shared them with me when I was starting.

In alphabetical order, these are software programs and tools I use.  It is not all inclusive, but to list everything I have in my arsenal may overwhelm you.  I bet you have not heard of a few of these.  (It is a long list!)

Topics: Business Software Software Free Software

Quoth Google… Nevermore – by Bill Romer

Some ask... what if people of genius could be reborn and live today? What would they say?  Bill Romer has the answer. Bill's AMAZING gifted style has reached deep into the psych of Edgar Allen Poe. Here are Bill Romer's creative juices flowing:

Quoth Google... Nevermore    - by Bill Romer

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary,
Over many a hyped and oversold product of internet fame,
While I nodded, kind of sleeping, suddenly my computer beeping,
As if some virtual sales assistant was calling out my name.
"‘Tis some gimmic," I muttered, "flashing on my screen -
Plenty of these things I have seen."

Topics: Internet Marketing

6 Simple Steps to Success - Janice Dugas

A Doctor's Prescription To Success in 6 simple steps  -  by Janice Dugas

Topics: Business Success Tips

Howto 6 – List of Strengths & Talents You May Have

Here is a list of possible strengths & talents which could be on your list.

Topics: Personal Development Lists Skills

How to Look Busy at Work Without Really Working

If you're getting paid to do something, you should do it, and do it well. But is it always that simple? What if you have a vague job description, a haphazard workload, and a very bad boss who is only content when you look busy, but not if you're super efficient? Sad to say, but sometimes working at your maximum potential is punished. This happens a lot in larger  organizations and retail.

Topics: Internet Marketing Free Inbound Marketing

Start a Business Online Howto 2 – The Crystal Ball – Who Controls Your Brain?

  • A new group was started:  "Hello, My name is Michael and I believe IMANUT."
  • Everyone will remind you that traffic is needed no matter what you do online.  
  • Have you taken a moment to write down a list of:  Your skills, your will power quotient and what it is you love?
  • Did you download the free software program called PersonalBrain?

Did you load the software Personal Brain mind map software (free) to organize your thoughts?  Not a requirement and new software takes time to learn.  I have a white board on my wall as well.  It works fine.

Topics: Business Success Free Software Planning

List of 19 Presentation Software and Tools (Create, Produce, Present)

To sell a product or service, you need a way to connect.  Having a quality presentation can do the job, but how do you find the software tools to create or produce a presentation?

Looking for software and tools to create or produce a presentation?

Possibly in need of software to do the presentation offline or online?

Where do you start?

Topics: Presentation Tools Business Software Software Marketing Video Marketing Recommended