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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Michael Hartzell

Recent Posts by Michael Hartzell:

Caveman Marketing - How to be Smarter Than a Neanderthal Man

When people ask “why are you successful” the response should be “isn’t it obvious?” 

True story:

What did the first caveman who discovered fire do?

He went back to his cave and told his cavewoman “Cavewoman, cook me some food!”

What happened next?

Cavepeople ran to his cave and asked “what smells so good?”

The news of fire spread and cavepeople wanted more cooked food. How to make more fire was taught around the globe.

…not because of a generous caveman, but from a cavewoman who knew who to cook and make the food smell awesome.  

Topics: Success Funny Story

Advice for Someone With Expertise, but Afraid to Market and Sell

This topic relates to almost anyone, not just entrepreneurs. If you have a job and a quota, this can still work. Entrepreneurs have a harder time because there is no one standing over their head holding them accountable. Entrepreneurs create their own obstacles since feelings, emotions and comfort levels can have a more dramatic impact until a personal commitment and discipline takes over. 

If you or someone you know has experience, wisdom and high expertise but is afraid to market or sell their products or services, here is a bit of advice:

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Marketing Selling Recommended Books Personal Development

The Trick to Creating Content

The trick to content:

  1. Don’t think.
  2. Listen to the questions.
  3. Answer them.

Those who think before they listen can get lost in the possibilities.
The deeper they think, the bigger the possibilities.

Topics: Inbound Marketing Content Marketing

How to be an Entrepreneur [video]

How does the mind of an entrepreneur work?  Are you an entrepreneur?  It could be that you are even though you punch a clock and get a paycheck.  The best resource for telling you how to be an entrepreneur are other entrepreneurs and they may say:

Topics: Entrepreneur

20 Videos in 20 Days condensed into 20 Minutes - Alex Goldfayn

Waiting 20 days to watch 20 videos is too long to wait. Here you have all 20 wrapped together and watch them in 20 minutes. Marketing tips at their best from Alex Goldfayn.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Marketing Plan Training

Marketing and Selling to Doctors

You will refer your own doctor but as a general rule won't walk into just any doctor's office to get treatment.  

Topics: Celebration Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Selling

Duplicate Your Way to Success

I love to sing. In 8th grade, I signed up for the choir class.
Soon I learned my skills were not as amazing as I had hoped.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Business Success Leadership Decision Making Personal Development

How to Have the Next Money Making Guerrilla Marketing Idea

To have a guerrilla marketing idea isn't so tough but it can't be done in a dark room sitting by yourself.  If you have ever been stumped, you will know my secret for a never ending flow of  great money making guerrilla marketing ideas. 

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

The Power of Perspective Taking is Life Changing

Ir's pretty simple... consider the opinions, ideas and thoughts of others to be more valuable than your own and you will find it necessary to listen more carefully and consider their world view.  

Topics: Selling Relationships Leadership Communication

Learn if Your Website is Mobile-Friendly with a Google Test in 30 Seconds

There is a big buzz going on related to "mobile-friendly". Since Google announced "mobile friendly" will become one of the criteria for ranking, many website designers and software sales people are overly excited with a new reason to sell small businesses and entrepreneurs the next website.

Google have announced their campaign to get website owners and webmasters ready to update their websites for changes in mobile friendly ranking factors, with a deadline set by the firm of the 21st April 2015.

As of this date Google has advised they will be expanding their use of “mobile-friendliness” as a ranking signal, and that it will affect all mobile searches worldwide. There is expected to be a significant impact in Google’s search results so we are advising below what website owners can do to ensure they are ready in plenty of time.  

Topics: SEO Inbound Marketing Google Mobile Marketing Webdesign

Hazards of Anonymous Surveys

To survey people anonymously is not typically a path to business success.  Asking for opinions without knowing the source and background of those giving the answer could have decision makers who are not in touch going down a dead end.

This is definitely true when asking for opinions about how to improve a product or service or asking opinions about which is better and what are the preferences.

The answer risks accuracy unless more is known about the context in which the answer is shared.  Who has the expertise to answer and who is simply blowing smoke?  

Topics: Business Success Tips Surveys

The Story About a Jeep, a Boat and a Helicopter

This is a story about a man with hope and faith during a time of emergency.  It is applicable to both personal life and business success of entrepreneurs.


There once was a man who lived in a two story house.  The house was near a river and unfortunately the river began to flood. 

As the river rose, warnings were given via radio, TV and shortwave. Large jeeps drove through the area to evacuate people.  As a jeep drove by the man's house, he was told:

"You are in danger.  Your life is at stake.  You must evacuate.  Get in the Jeep.  Let us help you evacuate."

Topics: Leadership Inspiration