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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

How running a business has changed vs. five years ago [infographic]

A simple truth:  Running a business is much different than five years ago.  Before you dive into the infographic below,  take off your old hat and mindset of: "This is how we've always done it".  A new survey data from Constant Contact, where they asked 917 small business owners to explain what it's like running their small business now compared to five years ago.  Then, in honor of National Small Business Week,  Constant Contact compiled this data into an infographic to highlight the study's discoveries about how running a small business has changed.

While your own business may vary from the infographic, it is important to stay aware of the new reality. Changes over the last five years have been mostly invisible.  The virtual world, mobile, and electronics continue to reshape how we live around the globe and we don't see a thing as the world morphs.

Grab your marketing calendar, start slow and sketch out what is most important to your business.

Source: Hubspot

What makes using social media for business faster, easier and less costly today vs. five years ago is having the right tools available. 

For instance, did you know that Hubspot allows you to manage and engage from within the software system?  It gives users the power to monitor social media online activity, engage personally and automate while never leaving the system 

The social media tools are automatically integrated with blogs, landing pages, keywords and more. 

Here is a snapshot of a just a few options found inside the Hubspot software.

social media in Hubspot(Click photo for larger image)

True story:

Many years ago I found I wasting time with about 20+ different software programs which did not integrate well.  While it seemed "easier" and cheaper, in reality the many tools did not give me a time advantage.

As each piece of software was updated, I was upgrading 20+ software programs I used for marketing one by one which required me and my team to re-learn each tool.  There was an excessive amount of time spent managing software and learning how to use it.  To have an all-in-one marketing software tool (which includes social media integration) has saved myself and clients dozens of hours a month and improved execution.

If this is your story as well and you are interested in learning how to manage your social media online presence in 30 minutes a day, I hope you will reach out to me for a personal demonstration.

Be sure to let me know that you are interested specifically in the social media integration power of the Hubspot software and we will focus on your specific opportunities.

Topics: History Social Media Marketing Inbound Marketing Business Success Stories HubSpot Landing Pages