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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

How to Develop a Blog Outreach Plan & Execute With Style


What is blogger outreach?  

It’s the process of developing a communication strategy that helps you reach out to bloggers with strong influence online for the purpose of promoting your content to their target audience.

Outreach programs can be tedious and some say "take too much time". As a result, software tools such as Ninja Outreach, BuzzStream and BuzzSummo that help to reduce the amount of time to research may help.

Make it about them

When doing blogger outreach, it is easier to inspire bloggers to share your content if they are mentioned in your blog posts. Sending them an email that refers to them and shows how their mission/purpose/products are helpful will be more appreciated and more likely to get shared. Human hackers include this activity so be cautious and consistent.

Not link worthy

Of the several reasons blog outreach teams have a difficult job, #3 on SearchEngineLand: "Content is not link-worthy" might be the most important. It’s not uncommon for the outreach team only have content that will be tough to pitch to bloggers. Each year the bar for "link-worthy" is raised.

Here is an infographic to help you develop a blog outreach strategy, step by step.

How to Develop a Solid Blog Outreach Strategy
Courtesy of: Quick Sprout
Topics: Link Building SEO Business Blogging Inbound Marketing