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How to Rank Better on Youtube - 12 Ranking Factors

Here is a video about how to rank better on YouTube. Each month YouTube receives over 800 million unique visitors who watch more than 3 billion hours of video, traffic we can't afford to ignore. So how do you get videos to rank for competitive terms on YouTube? By paying close attention to these 12 important ranking factors.

Topics: SEO Video Marketing Youtube

A Woman's Paradox: 71% of Moms are in the Workforce [infographic]

The unique challenges facing today's working women drives many out of the workforce and into an entrepreneurial venture.  There are two option:  Continue to carry the burden and live a paradox, quit and be a stay at home mom or start a small business which offers more flexibility and balance of life.

Topics: Leadership Human Resources

6 Tips to Be More Responsive to Customers

In an era of instant communication, information overload and search engines, word of mouth recommendations and customer satisfaction are more important than ever before.  Your online reviews ARE your reputation and how you handle Yelp, Zagat (Google+), Facebook and Twitter make the difference between success and failure.  It’s vital that your business responds quickly and efficiently to customer requests, complaints and questions.  Communicating with your customers across a variety of different channels, along with timely responses to inquiries and support issues, will help keep them happy, satisfied and ensure they remain customers.

Topics: Customer Service SocialMedia

Not the Same Old Garden Path - How we can literally think differently

As we age, neuroscientists tell us, our thoughts and patterns become more ingrained.  The way our brains process, sort and ultimately respond to questions is akin to taking the same path through the garden over and over.  We get to know the path very well, and it becomes familiar to us. As long as the problems we face are familiar, so are our approaches to solving these problems. We are in our intellectual “comfort zones.” 

What happens if our efforts to solve a problem aren’t producing innovative results? The thought might occur to us, “How do I go about thinking differently?”  When we are asked to deviate from the paths ingrained in our minds, it may seem like an interesting notion, but here’s where the going gets tough.  Despite trying to think differently, we typically end up with little to show for our efforts.  Our steps continue to lead us down the same old garden path.

Topics: Innovation Recommended Books Inspiration Entrepreneurship

Business Startup Failure Rates [infographic]

Reviewing the infographic about business startup failure rates, it appears that a mobile game business may be the best opportunity.  If you do create a mobile game, do me a favor?  Please create a game which has some educational value that will help people gain skill and knowledge.

Topics: Start a Business Business Success Failure

Break the Barrier: A Guide to Successful International SEO

International marketing is gaining online momentum and sweeping the industry as businesses realize the number of opportunities to sell overseas. With a staggering 86 percent of Internet users coming from outside of the United States, it is imperative that businesses move forward with their SEO efforts and market internationally. To best reach your multinational audience, use these tips we’ve compiled and watch your business rankings escalate to the top in

Topics: SEO International Sales Internet Marketing

Socializing is Better Than Networking

Networking is not as important to success as you may think.  Socializing is much more beneficial than networking.  The importance of people contact, friends and collaborators to an entrepreneur or small business owner may be more important than for big business.  The real you may not be very attractive but the real players in any room look deeper than you realize.

Topics: Networking Personal Branding Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Relationships Communication

5 Things You Need to Know About Starting a Business

An entrepreneur’s life is a windy, twisted road.  Starting a business is exciting but for the less experienced entrepreneur, there can be traps and pitfalls.  Here are five business success tips to keep your focused and give you hope.

Topics: Start a Business Startup Business Success Tips Buying a Business

Throw Away the Old Spreadsheet, Try

What may be better than a spreadsheet is  You often ask why it's difficult to use a spreadsheet on your iPad or PC Tablet.  (Think Smartsheet)  You don't want to be limited to data and software on your one computer.  (Use Smartsheet online)  To share your valuable spreadsheet online with others and control access, add Smartsheet to your toolbox.

Topics: Business Software Technology

Easy Ideas to Write Exactly What People Want to Read


The question about "what should I say?" remains a puzzle for many. Creating an important message makes even the most experienced professionals think in circles. 

Topics: Business Blogging Marketing Inbound Marketing Content Marketing Creativity Writing

6 Free Apps to Bolster Your Online Presence

A strong online presence is essential when it comes to the success of your small business.  In fact, according to the marketing firm Optify, it is vital for websites to appear on Page 1 of Google, especially in the top three positions. These spots receive 58.4 percent of all clicks by web users.

In order to increase your credibility and boost your online profile, you have a couple of options to select from.  You can hire a costly professional in the internet marketing field, or take hold of the reins and find ways to bolster your online presence yourself. 

If you take the route of doing it alone, there are several free applications you can take advantage of to help you.  Read on for 7 brilliant tools you may not know exist:

Topics: Business Software Branding apps

Steve Jobs: I'd Rather Quit than Let Something Slide

How do you make decisions?  Is success based on core values or a moving standard based on sales, problems and barriers?  Steve Jobs shared his his thoughts about what matters:

Topics: Steve Jobs Business Success