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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

The Ultimate Income with Automatic Recurring Billing

For customers to automatically make payments with recurring billing, you will need a merchant account which offers this option.  By offering the option to have regular payments with automatic billing, customers have one less thing to be concerned about and can instead pay attention to the more important things in life.

Here are three easy options for automatic recurring billing:

Topics: Online Marketing Payment Process Ecommerce Memberships

The Best Interpreter Services in Seattle Can Improve Business

Hire an interpreter?  No, an interpreter or translator is not only unnecessary, it is not in the budget.  There are companies and geographic areas (especially in Seattle) where this mindset is actually harmful to business.

Topics: Marketing Business Services Communication Culture Change

Diffusion of Innovations - Who buys your products, why and when

The discussion about predicting human behavior as to how and when people buy is often diverted to the Diffusion of Innovations. 

Diffusion of Innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures.  How and when people buy products or services is thought to be affected by this theory. Everett Rogers, a professor of rural sociology, popularized the theory in his 1962 book Diffusion of Innovations.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Marketing Marketing Strategy

Think, Talk and Get Paid

The perfect role many wish for is:  "Think, Talk and Get Paid."  Thinking and talking seem easy enough. Often times those who are very wise and may ask: "Why am I the only one who sees this?"  

Topics: Deep Thoughts Leadership Inspiration

Heroes on the Homefront: Report Highlights Veterans' Contributions

I’m excited to announce the release of a report by the Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development called “Heroes on the Homefront: Supporting Veteran Success as Small Business Owners.”  This is the second report of its kind where task force members from seven agencies have come together to collaborate on small business issues that are unique to Veteran business owners.

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) believes that two of America’s greatest assets are the service of our returning veterans and the economic dynamism of our small businesses.  It is no secret that entrepreneurs and small businesses are the engines of American innovation and economic prosperity.  For example, our nation’s 28 million small firms employ 60 million Americans, or half of the private sector workforce, and they are responsible for creating 2 out of 3 net new private sector jobs across the country. 

Topics: Veterans in Business News Business Success Stories

Unlocking Generational CODES by Anna Liotta

Whether you’re a Traditionalist, Baby Boomer, Gen Xer, or Millennial (Gen Y), Unlocking Generational Codes by Anna Liotta will change how you perceive others and enhance your relationships with everyone you know.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Recommended Books Leadership Human Resources

Information is Now Worthless: Think Transformation

"Every two days now we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003, according to Google CEO Eric Schmidt. That’s something like five exabytes of data, he says."  “The real issue is user-generated content,” Schmidt said. He noted that pictures, instant messages, and tweets all add to this.

Topics: Analytics Internet Marketing Inbound Marketing Content Marketing

What is Retargeting and How Does it Work?

Retargeting is a form of marketing online in which you target users who have previously visited your website with banner ads on display networks across the web. 

Topics: Retargeting Campaign Internet Marketing Inbound Marketing

The Seven Most Powerful Words to Change People's Minds

You may get proposals, ideas, and pitches several times a month.  You likely here a  dialog about the "unlimited potential" and how "the possibilities are endless". 

Words and phrases can work on both our emotions and imagination and push to take action of even the most analytic mind. 

Those who are making a pitch may use any of these seven big and powerful persuasion words:

Topics: Sales Leadership Communication

The Entrepreneur's Creed

A sign on my wall helps me to remember what entrepreneurs can do to achieve success.  While it seems simple and certainly not all inclusive, the sign offers a reminder for why some achieve success and others fail. 

Topics: Business Success Deep Thoughts

Easy Options for Small Business Financing When Banks Won’t Loan

Businesses, particularly those small in size, rely on loans to thrive and prosper.   Since 2007, lending regulations have become tighter resulting in the difficulty for small businesses to obtain loans from credit unions and banks.  The small business community is working to stay afloat as loans continue to lag.

A recent report by the Biz2Credit Small Business Lending Index showed an increase by 4.3% from July to August in loan applications.  Surprisingly, approvals by both big banks and credit unions decreased.

Topics: Banking Business Finance

Marketing Research: Average Website Conversion Rates by Industry

What are the average conversion rates for your industry?  This marketing research chart from MarketingSherpa will give you reason to cheer or leave you depressed.

If you are in a retail business, you are more interested in the purchase than getting them to subscribe. Non profits have the most difficult time because they don't typically offer value, they are hoping for a donation.

Why professional and financial services are the top on the chart may be directly related to the dedication of professional online agencies. 

Topics: Analytics Internet Marketing Conversion