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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Skill And Will for Evaluating Results

Evaluating results by first evaluating skill and will saves time, frustration and heartache.  Regardless of the role (employee, boss, business owner, vendor, freelance or self), there will be bumps and marginal performance.  Emotions rise quickly when entrepreneurs stake their future success on the results of others.

When performance is poor, instead of going down the emotional path and putting energy into all the reasons results are bad and how important success is to the business, it is time to ask a question:

Is the issue a symptom of skill?  Or is it a symptom of will?

Will the employee say, "Boss, I don't know how"?

Or will they say, "Boss, I didn't feel like it"?

Topics: Leadership Business Success Tips

Backwards Tip

Stephen Covey has told us for many years in his book "7 Habits for Highly Effective People" to begin with the end in mind.  The concept is not new.  To achieve a goal, focus on the end by clipping out a photo of the "dream" and posting it on the refrigerator.  For business success, using a pro-forma balance sheet creates the target in advance, which keeps a business on target.

Topics: Business Success Tips

Business Success Tip Make Your Business Legit for around $50

By Ken Accardi, CTO Ankota, Inc.  

With the likes of Ken sharing business success tips, how can an entrepreneur say "how can I create success in business?".  Be sure to pull out your calander and note pad.  With each relevant tip that Ken shares, the who, when and hoW many needs to be considered.  Business planning may start with the "what"  but must include ALL of the elements you find the what I call the 7 W's.

Topics: Business Success Business Planning Business Success Tips

How to Critique a Business & Grow Profits with Maria Marsala

Maria Marsala is the founder of Elevating Your Business, a business management company that focuses on helping independent financial and service industry professionals.  When you want to know more, dig deeper, and solve problems; you want to talk to someone who has not only a history but also walks the talk in the here and now.

Maria Marsala created a step-by-step program called "Corporate Secrets Marketing"TM.  Her concepts have been quoted regularly in prestigious media outlets including "Money" magazine, Jim Cramer's "The Street," and others.

Maria is a good person to reach out to.  So here we ask Maria how one can critique a business, improve profits, and keep confidence high during good times or bad.

Question:   What can a business owner do today to grow business faster?

Maria Marsala:   I'd love to have just one answer, but of course I don't. The "what" is different for each person who hires me because they are running their business differently than someone else.  What I can tell you is that when you are not winning in the way you would like to be, there are tried and true methods which can help.  You're not going to like the answer, so I'll hold off on telling you for a little bit longer.

Topics: Business Planning Planning Business Success Tips

Business Success Tips: 8 Ways to Grow Your Business Online

Who do I listen to
for business success tips? I listen to those who "do-it", who have "heart & soul" and those who overcome the obstacles.  I listen to those who not only look and sound like experts but have a track record.

Topics: Internet Marketing Planning Business Success Tips

6 Simple Steps to Success - Janice Dugas

A Doctor's Prescription To Success in 6 simple steps  -  by Janice Dugas

Topics: Business Success Tips