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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

No Time to Study, Have to Work (Unhappy at Work and Trapped)

This survey says 71% of employees are dissatisfied and looking for a new employer. What might seem apparent as an easy fix would be to improve the skills and knowledge, to be more “hirable”.

Working and taking classes simultaneously should be simple enough. Cut out a little TV, hide the Xbox, stay healthy, ignore home maintenance for a while and get a study buddy. Do not tell the boss about any interest in self-improvement, taking classes and the commitment to study… the boss would likely not appreciate your goal of “escaping” from the company. (Or so you tell yourself)

Full time students have a similar issue but in reverse. It seems the whole day is taken up by classes and studying. How would anyone have the time to also be an intern, have a job or even do volunteer work in an industry of interest?  (Some like to drive an Uber or Lyft with flexible hours, but that too takes time.)

No time to study --- have to work.
No time to work --- have to study.

If you think it is time to get out of the trap, improve your skills and do not expect magical handouts, get ready to invest in studying. (And maybe for a few letters behind your name.)

If you are a student and see the writing on the wall of the future trap you too will fall into, get ready to immerse yourself into work that gives you experience.

Whether you are a professional or a student, leadership development, becoming a PhD, a journeyman electrician, or an amazing insightful awesome consultant... it takes more than just showing up.

This infographic may be helpful.

"Working and Studying Together, Can it be Done?"

Topics: Education Career Support Study Self-Improvement Infographic

Free Educational Resources and Practice Tests at Varsity Learning Tools

You have seen tutor signs similar to the one above and while their entrepreneurial commitment is appreciated, you will move on to another who has more skills.


"Learn" is one of the four "Ls" in "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. (Live, Love, Learn, Leave a Legacy) When a person stops learning, part of that person dies. Learning is more important than many realize. I highly recommend the book by Mr. Covey.

Free Educational, Training and Testing Resources

Free educational resources are available at Varsity Learning Tools. Over 75,000 professionally have written problems and thousands of distinct practice tests across 150 subjects. This includes subjects like history, math, foreign languages, and science for all experience levels.

This is especially important now for more professionals who compete in the world where the youth appear to be more "up to date". Those of us over 42 years of age know this is NOT true but must still find ways to prove that we are not antique dinosaurs ready for pastures.

Varsity Learning Tools also offers practice tests and problems for common standardized tests like the ACT, SAT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, ISEE, and SSAT.

40 million

To date, students have completed more than 40 million problems on the Varsity Learning Tools platform. Each question is tied to a specific academic concept, which means your students can pinpoint their particular strengths and weaknesses in almost any area.

Topics: Education Free Training Skills

Education is broken - CodeCademy is Building Education for the World

While Codecademy is the topic, this is about you and your inability to understand even the simplest things in regards to your website or online marketing.  For instance, <b>your text here</b>  wlll turn the text bold as you see here:  your text here

Simple enough, don't you think?  The came can be said for other very simple terms such as <center> or <u> or underline. 

Instead the entrepreneur "gets by" because there is a belief it is "difficult" or too expensive.  It does seem a little silly to spend big money on an expert coder to do simple things which can be done in seconds.

Topics: Education Online Marketing Training html CSS

Online Colleges Produce the Web Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow

Can you believe that online colleges produce the web entrepreneurs of tomorrow?

  1. Online colleges and universities provide an ideal education for the next generation of entrepreneurs.
  2. Students with an online education have the drive, the web skills, and the know-how to start their own promising online business.
Topics: Education Entrepreneur