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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Rodwell Gobbercard is Almost a Success - With Business Cards & Social Media

This is a "true story" based on the stories from many. Maybe you know someone who has experienced something similar.

Someone (Let's call him Rodwell Gobbercard) is VERY excited because he now has business cards, and a special name tag to wear for networking meetings.

"Things are going to happen now!" Rodwell Gobbercard exclaims.

Topics: Networking Guerrilla Marketing Social Media Marketing

A Few Thoughts About Christmas (Holiday) Emails

You may celebrate Christmas or you may celebrate for many other reasons in December. Saying "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" is your choice and as it comes from the heart, you make someone's day. 

Christmas (Holiday) cards in the snail mail can be a delight. They can be artistic, thoughtful, relevant, and include photos to show 'the latest' status.  I love those pop-ups cards!  It takes time to lick a stamp, an envelope and manage to get them in the mail. In our new world of digital, a Christmas card in the mail is more valuable than ever. (Not everyone agrees though, as you will read here.)

Then email became the mechanism of choice. Anyone can send out an image with a few words to millions of people, in an instant, at a very low cost.  And so companies small and large do just that.  The Christmas (Holiday) card email is a task and the staff checks it off as done.

Some will pay to use a tool like eCards2go but it takes more work and more cash. has been around since 2000 and brings some unique creativity to holiday (Christmas) cards but again, it is difficult to click one button to send to many. 

Fortunately, stock photo websites have a plethora of Christmas (Holiday) images. You can get generic greeting images or an unusual photo to bring a smile.

To help consider the how and why of Christmas holiday emails, here are a few notes and resources.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Email Marketing

Outliers - the Story of Success & How Talent is Overrated

You’ve heard about the 10,000 hour rule (introduced by Malcolm Gladwell in Outliers - the Story of Success). K. Anders Ericsson discovered that elite music performers—more specifically classical violinists—all had one thing in common and it was at least 10,000 hours of practice before becoming a professional.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Business Success Recommended Books Personal Development

Guerrilla Marketing Training Course

Guerrilla marketing relies on time, energy and imagination rather than a big marketing budget.  Since most entrepreneurs are re-inventing budgets and methods to build business during tough times, guerrilla marketing tactics may be the answer. 

Jay Conrad Levinson is the father of guerrilla marketing. You too can acquire the skills needed to double business with a class or coaching from a guerrilla marketing trainer and coach. 

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Training

Celebrate With These Small Business Owners Graduating from SBA Emerging Leaders Program

Small business owners begin the journey with hope and determination as they overcome fears and persist regardless of barriers. Fortunately, there are support programs to ensure success. 

Fifteen small business owners across the state of Washington graduated from the SBA Emerging Leaders program, a seven-month executive education program for local business on the brink of growth.  

“Small business owners often know where they want to take their business, but struggle with how to get there. The Emerging Leaders initiative provides the tools and expert guidance to spark sustainable growth,” said SBA Seattle District Director Nancy Porzio.

According to Seattle Emerging Leaders Instructor Mary Marshall, “every $200 the SBA invests in the Emerging Leaders program creates a new job in the local economy.”

As you read the names and businesses of the graduates, remember how recognition, celebration, and congratulations are as easy as:

  1. Picking up the phone.
  2. Sharing a blog.
  3. Pointing others to their business via social media or email.
  4. Making a comment on their social media accounts.
  5. Sending a personal "Way to go!" card in the mail. (Yes. The mail) 

Or if you are local, you may decide to visit in person on the way to your next destination.

The SBA has done the work and made the announcement. I have added website links for you to click below. It takes less than five minutes to make an introduction and make their day. 

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Business Success Business Success Stories SBA Success Stories

11 Guerrilla Marketing Metrics You Should be Measuring

Any successful entrepreneur has a dashboard which shows measures of guerrilla marketing success at any moment throughout the week. The terminology changes depending on the type of business and culture.  Metrics, KPI (Key Performance Indicators) or MOSvT (Measures Of Success vs. Target).

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Analytics

Chance Marketing

Successful entrepreneurs are risk takers who are willing to consider "Chance Marketing" knowing there is a possibility of failure.  As a result, entrepreneurs are the ultimate target for salespeople selling advertising. Their pitch is: "Anything that improves the chance of improving sales is worth looking at."

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Advertising Marketing Strategy

How Can I Get into the New York Times?

It's been about seven years since I sat across the dinner table from Cameron who had the honor of being invited to celebrate Gary Vaynerchuk's 300th video blog for Wine Library TV. After dinner, my new friend says to connect and follow Gary V - so I did.  

No, we are not best friends (though I do have a book Gary V signed saying: "To my new BFF") but he does remain an inspiration and resource. What you may not know is that Gary Vaynerchuk is on HubSpot's advisory board.  As a HubSpot partner and perpetual inbound marketer, I appreciate working with a company with such an advantage.

Gary V. offers advice in his recent video to help you understand how to get in the New York Times, in front of the bigger celebrities or get connected to that BIG audience.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Marketing Marketing Plan Inspiration

Turn Someone Into a Super-Hero

You have powers you have not yet fully realized. Within your grasp are talented people, tools and opportunities to make an impact in a bigger way. As you watch this video, consider what a talented team of artists & entrepreneurs can do to help you go bigger:

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Success Stories Awards

Advice for Someone With Expertise, but Afraid to Market and Sell

This topic relates to almost anyone, not just entrepreneurs. If you have a job and a quota, this can still work. Entrepreneurs have a harder time because there is no one standing over their head holding them accountable. Entrepreneurs create their own obstacles since feelings, emotions and comfort levels can have a more dramatic impact until a personal commitment and discipline takes over. 

If you or someone you know has experience, wisdom and high expertise but is afraid to market or sell their products or services, here is a bit of advice:

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Marketing Selling Recommended Books Personal Development

20 Videos in 20 Days condensed into 20 Minutes - Alex Goldfayn

Waiting 20 days to watch 20 videos is too long to wait. Here you have all 20 wrapped together and watch them in 20 minutes. Marketing tips at their best from Alex Goldfayn.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Marketing Plan Training

Duplicate Your Way to Success

I love to sing. In 8th grade, I signed up for the choir class.
Soon I learned my skills were not as amazing as I had hoped.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Business Success Leadership Decision Making Personal Development