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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Guerrilla Marketing Checklist & PR to Start the Adventure of "Famous"

Here is a potential guerrilla marketing checklist to get you started in the adventure of becoming "famous".  Guerrilla marketing works 100% of the time if executed well.

To that end, if you are starting from scratch and are hoping to become "famous" but low on funds (and in a hurry), this outline might prove helpful.  It is based heavily on guerrilla marketing tactics with an inbound marketing mindset.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Marketing Plan Inbound Marketing

Hire Virtual Characters to Sell, Impress and Engage Online

Virtual assistants, avatars, and virtual characters can be hired with a click and may help the entrepreneur to achieve business success.   Using virtual characters is still a new way of thinking that requires a large paradigm shift.  For a quick review of virtual characters, we will reference an expert on the topic.

Topics: Business Technology Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Internet Marketing

Marketing and Selling to Doctors

You will refer your own doctor but as a general rule won't walk into just any doctor's office to get treatment.  

Topics: Celebration Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Selling

How to Have the Next Money Making Guerrilla Marketing Idea

To have a guerrilla marketing idea isn't so tough but it can't be done in a dark room sitting by yourself.  If you have ever been stumped, you will know my secret for a never ending flow of  great money making guerrilla marketing ideas. 

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

Measure Sunshine

Sunshine can't be bought but you will see sunshine sold every month of the year.  Sunshine can't be touched but can be felt as a warm glow or a burning heat.  The lack of sunshine is instantly recognized and potentially perceived as a burden.

Topics: Business Surveys Paradigm Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

A BIG Thank-You to Brown & Haley for ROCA and So Much More

The Great American Story can be told again with a 100+ year old company by the name of Brown & Haley in Tacoma, WA which started manufacturing Almond Roca 90 years ago. 

Topics: Almond Roca Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Business Success Stories

Socializing is Better Than Networking

Networking is not as important to success as you may think.  Socializing is much more beneficial than networking.  The importance of people contact, friends and collaborators to an entrepreneur or small business owner may be more important than for big business.  The real you may not be very attractive but the real players in any room look deeper than you realize.

Topics: Networking Personal Branding Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Relationships Communication

Get Referrals by Following the Law of Contribution

As to the challenge of the referral theory, I tend to listen to my own drummer. There are so many resources about marketing “advice” and I often wonder if it isn't best to keep thoughts under my hat.  Everyone has a theory and certainly there are books and workshops which can challenge paradigms. 

For 30 years my thought about referrals has been:  “Don’t worry about it”

Referrals are a symptom.  I believe if you are committed, have amazing service, and over the top with your delivery... you get referrals.  

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Inspiration Referral Marketing

The Easy Linkedin Marketing "Cheat" Tactic for Email Marketing

Linkedin is not just a marketing tool used for jobs, creating authority, making connections, collaboration and recruiting.  Linkedin is also a way to create an "Oprah Effect".  In other words, you can offer value each day which over time makes people comfortable with you.  Your consistency in offering value each day determines your reputation.  Are you pushy?  Or you a con?  Is it all about you or do you have a mission of offering value?

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Social Media Marketing Linkedin

Shameless Inbound Marketing Tactics Guaranteed to Work [infographic]

There is no marketing like inbound marketing but to have an effective marketing plan you must know these shameless marketing tactics.   The infographic from Hubspot will keep you focused and feeling guilty (since they work so well):

Shameless Marketing Tactics Hall of Fame Infographic

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Internet Marketing Inbound Marketing

Four Warm Weather Guerrilla Marketing Ideas for Small Business

Summer is fast approaching, and small business owners may be trying to come up with creative guerrilla marketing to promote their business. wants to share some relatively inexpensive ideas that you can use to promote your business and attract customer loyalty.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Ideas Direct Mail

70% of Business Professionals Still Use Business Cards

According to an online poll, over 70% of business professionals still use printed business cards while an amazing 13% never use them at all, and 14% under-utilize their printed card. 

The poll numbers contradict recent trends where everyone has a smart phone, an iPod; iPad, or other portable device. Recently there has been much discussion in the business world about whether there continues to be a need for printed business cards.  Trends are shifting towards bumping devices and sharing information electronically through sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook; and some people are beginning to use digital business cards exclusively. 

Topics: Print Marketing Guerrilla Marketing Ideas