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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

In Control

Lots of feedback can equal more confusion if someone wants to control something that isn’t their domain. Kind of like me letting go of pretending that I know what I’m doing going to the Everest region. Eventually, I said, “stop it.” 

I didn’t know the Sherpa, but he had been climbing up these mountains several times a day, so maybe I should follow him.  So that’s what I did.

I didn’t love the experience, in fact I couldn’t even imagine why I was doing it, but I was happy that I did follow him because that is HOW I made it to 16,000 feet even though the goal was 17,600 feet.

Topics: Paradigm Leadership

The Truth is Out There

If you believe in something enough, you will risk your very reputation to hit the mark, accomplish a goal and achieve success.  You may believe your idea is worth a million dollars or possibly believe that "everyone" is out to get you.  Your may believe that you can sell 10 million widgets... though you have not yet sold even one.

The truth is out there and you want to believe... 

But first, human beings typically learn what to do next by following the crowd.

Topics: Paradigm Business Success Deep Thoughts Personal Development

The Lure of Easy

Easy is the first choice because typically "easy" means less work, less time and less money.  Attempting to achieve success based on "easy" only to fail along the way brings to mind:  "If it was easy, everyone would be doing it".  This quote serves as a reminder that if a task or project is difficult, think of the difficulty in a positive light. 

Topics: Paradigm Deep Thoughts

The Freedom Syndrome Test

Business ownership and being an entrepreneur is about “I am responsible”. At times, this is interpreted as “I have the total freedom to do what I want.”

Success stories rarely include major failures along the way, the proverbial blood spilled, families splitting, health failing and people harmed.  

The difficulties can be avoided if they did not have a syndrome that prioritizes theirr hunger for freedom.

My response to those wanting to start a business or become an entrepreneur "Avoid the Freedom Syndrome”

Topics: Paradigm Leadership Planning Entrepreneurship

Measure Sunshine

Sunshine can't be bought but you will see sunshine sold every month of the year.  Sunshine can't be touched but can be felt as a warm glow or a burning heat.  The lack of sunshine is instantly recognized and potentially perceived as a burden.

Topics: Business Surveys Paradigm Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

I Died at 55

Oddly enough it was not the personal catastrophes, pain or losses that pushed me to the point of death.  It was instead, the people who believed, who believed in me more than I.

The biggest changes came from two things:  

  1. Introductions  - A friend or associate had just enough appreciation to introduce me to another who would change my life.


  2. Invitations - They would make an invitation and ask me to attend an event, a club, a meeting, a dinner, etc.

With each introduction and invitation, I have connected with people who leave me humbled and appreciative.  It was not the clever wit that helped to improve connections. Instead, they acknowledged and treasured commitment, compassion, loyalty and action. 

Where can you find such people who have a truly selfless commitment, loyalty and the willingness to take action?

Topics: Paradigm Success Inspiration Story Success Stories

Doing something when there are no guarantees - by Brene Brown

To believe that you will succeed as an entrepreneur, you will most likely feel like you are worthy of success you will have the courage to be imperfect.  Understanding courage, compassion, authenticity are aspects which must be understood by a good leader and Brene Brown has a video to expand on these thoughts.

Brene Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity.

Topics: Paradigm Deep Thoughts Leadership

Dharmesh Shah's Confession

Inbound marketing software guru geek genius makes a confession and shares how and why he was an idiot.  I feel a kinship with Dharmesh Shah since I do idiotic things each week.  To be as brave as Dharmesh Shah and share my idiotic behaviors with the world is yet to come.

If you do not yet know Dharmesh Shah then you are missing out and this would be a perfect time to click and read from Dharmesh as he shares deep insights about startups, philospophy, and leadership via OnStartups.  Dharmesh will make you SMink = Smile and Think at the same time.

Topics: Paradigm Recommended Books

Rules for Teachers from 1872

Random thoughts from minds of leaders:  Business and life is confusing. No matter how many rules I make, no one seems to follow them.  Can't everyone see how smart I am?  Why is it that it takes for long for them to "get it"?  The options seem limited between "Your fired!" or do it myself.

Stop for a moment and look back to 1872.  The rules that teachers had to follow in 1872 will make you re-think your own circumstances.  Who would make such rules and surely no one was following them.

Topics: Paradigm History Leadership

The Only Two Questions You Need to Ask for Success [video]

Tough time with success?  Don't worry about being motivated.  Forget about trying to be inspired.  Instead you will think about the two questions in this video:

Topics: Paradigm Guerrilla Marketing Recommended Books Inspiration

I Want to be a Fireman

Recently I met a man named Chris.

Topics: Paradigm Business Success Tips Personal Development

Killing Clever

If only someone had told me: "Don't be so clever" when I was a young smart mouth.  While the ultimate goal was to make people smile, my antics and craziness did not always prove to be truly helpful. (Sometimes I was not as clever or funny as I thought.)

The battle continues as my creative brain looks for ways to make people smile and feel great about the day and the opportunities that exist.  Quite a few years ago, I mostly killed 'clever' and I began to prioritize 'commitment' which is a necessary component to getting things done. 

Topics: Paradigm Deep Thoughts Leadership