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The Best Free Press Release Sites to Spread Your Message

In a previous article, I have shared over 50 different free press release sites.  Instead of a large list, you need a more specific solution.  While it is difficult to point to any one free press release site as a clear winner, websites such as has been raved about even though it only has a PageRank of 3., is another free press release site that stands out.  You can find it on the list below which shows the best opportunities.

Included on the "best list" is  You appreciate this resource because it allows links, tagging and branding for free.  

Topics: Press Release Guerrilla Marketing Inbound Marketing

Matt Cutts on Press Releases

After reviewing a few comments from Google's infamous Matt Cutts about press releases, sharing the results with you seemed the right thing to do.

The topic is more than just about press releases however since we are really interested in getting better authority and ranking on the Internet.  We are interested in how ranking is search engines is possible via press releases.  

Why this matters to me:  Understanding the ranking factors in search engines helps to solve the of lack of awareness.  It is unacceptable that entrepreneurs and small business owners who are AWESOME offline are not getting recognized in the same way online.  There are too many special companies which impact the community and offer value which are not getting found.  Can press releases be tool to improve ranking and SEO?

Topics: Press Release Link Building SEO Google

List of 64 Press Release Topic Ideas to Overcome Brain Fog

Press releases should be a part of any marketing plan.  Press release services come in many shapes and sizes from free to big money for distribution.  Before considering distributing a press release, it has to be written.  Stay aware of daily activities, plans and accomplishments... what are likely to be newsworthy.

Topics: Press Release Guerrilla Marketing

Press Release Tips for Small Business

Time to think about the press release option again.  If you wonder "What if I was to do a press release about my business?"  "What is the 'best in the world' in my product or service?"  "What is it about the business this week that is new, exciting, wonderful, ground breaking?  What is news-worthy?"  What will happen to the perception of your business?  Is is the usual stuff?  Or is there that little something you just have to share?

Topics: Press Release Marketing Free Advertising

List of 54 Websites for Free Press Release Distribution Service

Take advantage of the opportunity with this list of free press release websites and distribution services at least once a month on the internet.  Some might view a press release as "marketing" while others view it as "education" or "information".  Regardless, if you do something worth shouting about in your business, then do so!  Press releases keep the world informed and possibly...improve the chances of getting found.

Topics: Press Release Marketing Inbound Marketing Buzz Marketing