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How to Embed RSS Feed into Website for DIY Entrepreneurs

For the DIY entrepreneur who wants to embed RSS feeds into their website, instructions and resources are listed below.  

What is RSS?

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.

Note: Not all of these are simple/easy. I share them with you in case you have someone on your team who has the expertise to get it done.

Topics: Software Internet Marketing Inbound Marketing Webdesign

List of 11 Webinar Software Options for Online Web Meetings and Conferences

Here are eleven great webinar software options for your online meetings, conferences and webinars.  The good news:  Several are free to use.  The list of online webinar software is in no particular order.  Of course these tools are perfect for your inbound marketing plan and will no doubt inspire many new guerrilla marketing ideas.  (The list has grown beyond eleven and yes, I saved the best for last in the list below).

Topics: Presentation Tools Software Video Marketing Free Software Inbound Marketing Webinars

Social Community Management Software for Paid Memberships


You are about to create your own group, tribe or community.  You begin first to look for community management software for paid memberships but pause for a moment and consider the pros and cons of creating your own community.

Managing a membership is much different than a social community membership.

Topics: Software Social Media Marketing Memberships

List of Infographic Software for Awesome Content and Link Building

Your inbound marketing plan includes creating infographics which will be helpful, relevant, cool and hopefully will change paradigms to the extent that many will share.  With over 2 million blogs are posted on the Internet each day, creating an awesome infographic can be a very effecitve guerrilla marketing tactic to stand out from the crowd. 

Topics: Software Graphics. Design Graphics

A Great List of 13 Online Scheduling Software Programs

Scheduling meetings shouldn't require multiple emails. Give prospects and customers appointment scheduling power with a meeting scheduler.

A meeting scheduler is software that facilitates a group of individuals scheduling a meeting easily and quickly.

Rather than having back-and-forth conversations finding a time that works, a meeting scheduler is a link that your team can send to one or more individuals allowing them to see available times for the person or group they are trying to book with.

Topics: Software Time Management Sales Free Software

The Web Tools Guy - Miles Austin

Miles Austin is The Web Tools Guy. Miles Austin is also a sales and mobile marketing technologist with an extensive tech sales and leadership background.  Miles is great at taking the essence of the sales process and finding a software tool to improve its effectiveness. Miles will remind you in his training that prior to selecting the best web tool it is important to look at processes.

Topics: Business Software Software Trusted Advisor

How to Choose the Right Push Button Tech Tools (Software)

The never ending supply of push button tech tools baffles even the best entrepreneur.  Success is not always based on acquiring the latest software program.  Just as the electric screwdriver is now a way of life for the construction worker vs. the manual screwdriver so is the importance for having the right software to stay competitive. 

There are limits and over-consumption can create a mountain of trial and error.  Even the latest social media tools change the platforms so frequently that retraining and more retraining minimizes profits even though sales may increase.

How to choose the right software at the right time? 

Topics: Software Push Button Tech Tools Business Technology

30 Software Tools for Creating, Producing, Promoting & FUN

As an entrepreneur (& addicted marketing guy) I have little desire to be a "programmer" or "coder".  Instead I keep an arsenal to help me keep business faster, easier, simpler (& funner).  I will not always search out the "best" for the same reason I do not drive a Jaguar or live in a mansion.

Functionality, ease of use, and quick learning curve are all a consideration.  AND I love free.  I started using many of the tools on the list below for free, and have since upgraded (i.e., 'the Brain').

I share these with you because I wish someone had shared them with me when I was starting.

In alphabetical order, these are software programs and tools I use.  It is not all inclusive, but to list everything I have in my arsenal may overwhelm you.  I bet you have not heard of a few of these.  (It is a long list!)

Topics: Business Software Software Free Software

List of 19 Presentation Software and Tools (Create, Produce, Present)

To sell a product or service, you need a way to connect.  Having a quality presentation can do the job, but how do you find the software tools to create or produce a presentation?

Looking for software and tools to create or produce a presentation?

Possibly in need of software to do the presentation offline or online?

Where do you start?

Topics: Presentation Tools Business Software Software Marketing Video Marketing Recommended