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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Why Animation is a Secret Weapon of Successful B2B Marketing

In today's digital age, more than traditional marketing strategies such as print ads, billboards, and direct mail are needed to capture the attention of your target audience.

With the rise of social media and other online platforms, B2B marketers must find new and innovative ways to engage their prospects and stand out from the competition.

Enter animation. This dynamic medium has transformed how B2B marketers communicate with their audience. That’s what this blog post is all about.

Topics: Video Marketing B2B Marketing

How to Increase Leads During the Consideration Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

Turning occasional visitors into quality leads is a process that demands creativity from every brand – and it involves much more than having great products to display. You want to convey what makes your solution effective but also distinctive among the other options out there.

With the new challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies are looking for new strategies to promote their brand online. But evaluating all the available options and assessing the ones that best suit your needs can be a bit overwhelming for the uninitiated.

To make the task more straightforward for you, we’ve narrowed down the list of options into five crucial tools you should consider using for the consideration stage of your funnel: social media promos, sweepstakes and contests, video marketing content, and high-converting landing pages, and eBooks.

Understanding their strengths and learning how to leverage them to their full potential will help you bring your prospects closer to a confident buying decision.

Topics: Video Marketing Conversion Landing Pages

7 Video Marketing Stats that Can Help You Plan Your Strategy

Despite the many challenges that living through the COVID-19 pandemic entails, there are still opportunities to successfully promote your brand. As most of us are locked up at home, we’ve already got used to buying and discovering products online.

One of the most interesting types of marketing content that has become popular in recent years is video. Due to their entertaining yet informative format, videos can help you increase awareness about your brand and start new levels of conversation with your audience. And as incredible as it may sound, 2020 might be the best year to place your bets on video!

Topics: Marketing Statistics Video Marketing

Elements of Making a Company Story Video that Wins Your Customer’s Hearts

Nowadays, in a post-social-networks world, making your company and brand feel relatable to your customer base is much more than just a boon. It is a necessity.

Regardless of your commitment to social media strategies and overall marketing approach, producing content that reflects your company as engaging, empathetic, and responsive, is something your marketing team should be (and probably is) actively pursuing.

Why? Because audiences are more likely to do business with you when they feel like they know your company and brand on a more personal level.  

Your customers may know what you offer from an explainer video or other sort of content.

But if they feel like they understand (and relate to) what your company stands for on top of that, they are a great deal more likely to engage with it and come back for more later. So, the question becomes how to go about doing just that?

The goal is to tell a story.

The goal is to humanize your brand. Put the values that motivate you and your teams in front of your customers for them to connect.

The best way to hit all those targets in the least amount of time?

…company story videos.

Topics: Branding Video Marketing

Empowering People to More #Tell&Show

People are not 'getting it'. You talk, teach, sell and hope someone will take action... but they continue on with the same habits.

Students, employees, peers, prospects, customers, the boss, patients, your children (and even your parents). They are stuck in old unhelpful paradigms because they don't know enough, or they are unwilling.

IMPORTANT: There are people who think they know everything! If this is the case, watch the video at the end of this article: "How to Train People Who Know Everything" by Arthur Carmazzi

To make a a difference, to move people to a better reality, we rely on the common term: "Show & Tell."

But I am thinking it shouldn’t be referred to as "Show & Tell"’.
It should be called "Tell & Show".

"Tell" someone the goal, the how, the plan.
Then model the behavior – "Show" them with real activities. (aka demonstrate)

Topics: Selling Video Marketing Training Personal Development Learning Empowering

9 Reasons Why All Startups Need Video Marketing

Video is not a new concept. It has been one of the key startup marketing ideas for years. However, while in the past, video was simply an afterthought in a brand's marketing campaign; today, it is an essential element of all successful growth hacking - especially for startups.

But what is so important about startup video marketing? Here are the top nine reasons why all startups need video marketing in 2019:

Topics: Startup Video Marketing

How to Rank Better on Youtube - 12 Ranking Factors

Here is a video about how to rank better on YouTube. Each month YouTube receives over 800 million unique visitors who watch more than 3 billion hours of video, traffic we can't afford to ignore. So how do you get videos to rank for competitive terms on YouTube? By paying close attention to these 12 important ranking factors.

Topics: SEO Video Marketing Youtube

How to Maximize with Visual Content Marketing

It's obvious that visuals are a necessary part of a success formula for marketing online.  With so many options to "add an image" or "post a video", images stand out dramatically vs. bad graphics (or no graphics).  

Topics: Online Marketing Video Marketing Graphics

List of 11 Webinar Software Options for Online Web Meetings and Conferences

Here are eleven great webinar software options for your online meetings, conferences and webinars.  The good news:  Several are free to use.  The list of online webinar software is in no particular order.  Of course these tools are perfect for your inbound marketing plan and will no doubt inspire many new guerrilla marketing ideas.  (The list has grown beyond eleven and yes, I saved the best for last in the list below).

Topics: Presentation Tools Software Video Marketing Free Software Inbound Marketing Webinars

Hitting a YouTube Homerun - 4 Tips to Go Viral with Video

It is possible to go viral with a video on Youtube and with the tips below, the chance of your video going viral will improve.  There's much to be learned from a media landscape where TV is now relying on the Internet for content. On Comedy Central's hit program 'Tosh.0,' host Daniel Tosh fills a half-hour by showing the week's best Internet video clips. Although TV may trump Internet video in worldwide viewers (1.2 billion people watched online video in 2011), it's no longer the most cost-effective means of conveying a message through video.

Topics: Guerrilla Marketing Video Marketing

How to Sell Without Selling - Video by Dike Drummond MD

Topics: Video Marketing Inbound Marketing

YouTube Marketing Data shows - 56 Million Views - 3700 Followers - 46837 Likes

Youtube marketing by the numbers.  As you can see, the video has been seen almost 57 million times and was uploaded on May 1, 2011.  This video on Youtube offers links in the video description area to the website, Twitter and Facebook fan page.

The video is not "professional" in that it does not has perfect lighting, perfect sound nor a studio setting.  I am sure those who are professionals who will critique the video marketing project as a marginal production. 

Topics: Analytics Video Marketing Social Media Marketing