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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

Should I Turn One Long-Form Article Into Multiple Pieces of Content?

Your article of 1,000 words to 3,000 words is profound, valuable and better than any Wikipedia page. You have many years of experience and believe "the answer" is within your content and you would like nothing better than to share it with the world.

Should you publish the entire article whole as-is?  Or divide it into multiple articles?

Topics: How to Blog Content Writing

How Much Time Does it Take an "Experienced" Blogger to Write a Blog?

It makes sense to create content to help those you serve understand more, to make better decisions. How long should it take to write a blog? (by an someone experienced?)  Is it true that it should take 3.21 hours average to write a blog post?

Topics: Business Blogging Content Marketing Writing

How Handwriting Can Make You Smarter and More Productive

It turns out that if you want your child to learn to speak better, you don't want to sit them in front of a TV to watch Sesame Street or other educational TV shows. I have verified this to be true after spending many hours interviewing a Speech Language Pathologist. She remains emphatic that parents can do harm by using Sesame Street as a long term babysitter and she often hears these parents ask "Why doesn't my child know how to talk?"

There is some logic that says 'get smarter by watching' but in reality... we improve our skills and knowledge by doing. 

Writing vs typing - which helps you get smarter?  If you are a highly skilled typist, you can almost do two things at once. Your fingers have memorized the keyboard and they fly on their own, even when having a conversation.

When you sit down with a pencil (or pen) and paper and begin to turn your thoughts into new concepts to conquer the world or change the community, your brain works differently.

Topics: Writing Self-Improvement

Business Writing: Tips to Improve This Essential Leadership Skill

To gain more understanding and cooperation from others, using clear writing is one of the most important skills that you can develop in business. Effective communication and writing are key factors in career success. Writing is already a part of your daily activities and you may be unknowingly doing more harm than good.

Topics: Business Blogging Personal Development Content Writing

Easy Ideas to Write Exactly What People Want to Read


The question about "what should I say?" remains a puzzle for many. Creating an important message makes even the most experienced professionals think in circles. 

Topics: Business Blogging Marketing Inbound Marketing Content Marketing Creativity Writing