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The Blog - Where Business Collides with Human Nature

What does losing sound like? [video]

Finding reasons to celebrate is pretty easy for me even when success is not obvious.  Looking on the bright side, being hopeful (but cautious) is a habit.  Playing the "glad game" was learned from Polly Anna when I was but a toddler.  

There are moments when celebration may not be the first choice.  

What you see is a team out of alignment.  

Leadership says:  "Pause, think, practice, analyze and make more effort."  While the team says:  "We look great.  We are cool.  We got through another day."

Getting everyone on the same page to push a giant cooler of Gatorade over the coach motivates.  The other option is to create measures of success in advance. 

Doing the task and not paying attention adds to the worry and stress... even for a winner.  It is important to know when success is achieved.

Watch the video:

Where is the finish line?  What is the score?  What is success?  Defining it advance and aligning the brand, the marketing activities, leadership and the team will have you looking forward to drinking Gatorade at the end of the game.

Topics: Business Success Leadership Business Planning