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url Shortening Service List

Using a url shortener for marketing can keep the message to customers short and sweet.  There is the advantage of easy tracking as a few of the services have analytics. 

The list of url shorteners and recommendations are below.

Topics: Analytics Free Software Inbound Marketing

Build a Free Website for Personal or Business

While you are starting your business, you may decide to start with a low cost website platform.  I am not convinced that "free software" is appropriate for almost any business. If you are interested in creating additional income, a free website system might be appropriate. Here are a few free website systems you can use to get started:

Topics: Free Software Inbound Marketing Eliminates Most Writing Mistakes Automatically

Since the virtual world has become a megaphone for anyone with an opinion to push their content, it has become apparent we all could use a little more high school English. 

Topics: Free Software Inbound Marketing

FoldTester - Where is Above the Fold on Your Website?

Foldtester is a free online software tool which shows you where the folds will happen for your website page.  What does the viewer see?  Do you have a call to action in the upper third above the fold?

Topics: Free Software Inbound Marketing