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Funny, Humorous & Inspirational Training Videos

These videos will make you laugh,
challenge paradigms and be inspired.

Funny, Humorous &
Inspirational Training Videos

Videos For Business Start Up & Transformation:  


Guy Kawasaki: Make meaning in your company 

How many lose sight of the core elements of business success when starting a business?  Guy keeps it simple and straightfoward.


Guy Kawasaki:  Don't write a mission statement, write a mantra 

Does the mission statement seem over complicated?  Guy shares thought about business success based on a mantra vs. a mission statement. 


Seth Godin: Ideas That Spread, Win

What will a business do if "good" is not good enough to achieve business success?  What does a purple cow have to do with business success?


"The Paper Boy Story" - by Michael Hartzell

What does it take to create success? Before high school, before college... how  success began at 14 years old. A true story. (and still relevant today)

Videos For Fun & Laughs:


Humor is Medicine - Family Guy

Communication is important.  How does it happen?  Makes me guffaw every time.


MADtv Video Stop IT Bob Newhart

Easy solution to any problem?


40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes

Don't have more than 2 minutes?  You are a video snacker?  This will do the trick.


How To Motivate Employees Video

Do you want to know how to motivate employees?  While the video is made for humor, is there a moral to the story?  Please don't do this at home.

Videos For Motivation:

icon-video2.jpgDid you know? Video

This fantastic "Did You Know" video on the progression of information technology, was researched by Karl Fisch, Scott McLeod, and Jeff Bronman, remixed.

icon-video2.jpgDid you know? Human Capital Edition Video

Did you know asks the question and adds to your knowledge facts about labor, jobs, management and business.

Videos For Inspiration:

icon-video2.jpgQuit School, Get Fired, Face Death - Steve Jobs

Can three simple stories help you re-think your life? If you listen to Steve Job's speech and read the transcription, three stories may be all you need.


Why it Matters - Michael Hartzell

A true story told by Michael Hartzell about how one experience makes all the difference.

icon-video2.jpgBrian Tracy: Creating Success

Brain Tracy can connect you with reality of success.  This video shows his ability to inspire and clarify the puzzles of life.

icon-video2.jpgAre You Going to Finish Strong? 

Life may be tough as you know it or you may have someone close to you in pain.  If ever there was someone to change how you view the world, this may be the one.

Videos For Pondering Paradigms:

icon-video2.jpgSir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity. TEDTalks is a daily video ... 

icon-video2.jpgBarry Schwartz The Paradox of Choice

Watching Barry Schwartz present his views will change the way you manage your business and may even affect how you raise your kids.

icon-video2.jpgCarnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch Last Lecture

I am humbled and moved.  Do not cut yourself short of listening to Randy Pausch share his wisdom.

icon-video2.jpgWhy Bonus Incentives Don't Work - Daniel Pink

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effectiv...

icon-video2.jpgAndy Cohen teaches the Power of the Assumption

Watch Andy Cohen, author of "Follow the Other Hand", as he teaches you how to think differently.  Managing change in self and others is a skill which can be learned.

Videos About Marketing:

icon-video2.jpgChange Your Marketing Reality

This video shows is another example of "edutainment" and offers you a history and reason why marketing is more difficult than in the old days.

icon-video2.jpgWhat is Guerrilla Marketing?

Play video and listen to Jay Conrad Levinson (author of "Guerrilla Marketing) give you his defintion of guerrilla marketing.

icon-video2.jpgAndy Cohen: What is Magic?

Watch this Andy Cohen video. A restaurant marketing campaign includes magic. His motivational talk is seasoned with magic and humor.

icon-video2.jpgAvoiding Marketing Mistakes - Tony Gattari

Toni Gattari offers a fresh view, energy and unique approach. He reveals a BIG mistake, how marketing is expensive and actually says marketing may not be the answer!  Recommended viewing.

icon-video2.jpgHow the Internet is Changing Marketing

Pay attention to this video.  It is not necessarily about the subject matter, its the process and means Jon Collins and Epipheo Studios uses to engage you.  This is hot and new.  

icon-video2.jpgWhat is Social Media in Plain English

A simple story that illustrates the forces shaping social media. This video comes in an unbranded "presentation quality" version that can be licensed for use in the workplace.  

Videos About History to Help Us in the Future:

icon-video2.jpg200 Years That Changed the World

Pause and Ponder about the next 10 year after you watch this video.

icon-video2.jpgThe History of the Internet

"History of the Internet" is an animated documentary explaining the inventions from time-sharing to filesharing, from Arpanet to Internet. The history is told using the PICOL icons on

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